Shining force 2 rom bin
Shining force 2 rom bin

shining force 2 rom bin

Late bloomers such as Slade and Kiwi will no longer need 'babying'. Egress has not been removed, but the need to use it asides town jumping is minimal. Giant Rats in the second battle pack more damage and have 25 HP, requiring you to effectively use land effect. Gizmo's for example have had their HP increased from 5 to 8, and their attack increased by 1. You won't notice this on the first battle with the Gizmos. Experience gain on all enemies was increased to the maximum yeild. Rats, Oozes, Wyvern, Dragonewt, Devil Griffon, etc got touch ups.


I recommend a full party of level 40 promoted characters to survive! Galam Mage now casts Blaze level 2 correctly. Bubbling Ooze became Volitile Ooze, has a chance to spew different elemental breaths. Swordsman, Hero, Priest, Mage, Knight, Paladin have new sprites. Knights, Pegasus Knights and Master Mages all have new sprites. (Gizmos are in the right spot so they're unchanged) Reduced health and damage of a few early game enemies. Changed a lot of AI on enemies, Witches are more likely to heal now if nessicary. Early game was made a little bit easier to scale with those who don't like using Egress. They still couldn't keep up with pre-premotes, even after the stat changes. Non Prepromotes were buffed (again) across the board. Fixed the aquisition of items that were rendered unobtainable. More sources of Promotion items (check the shops!) Oddeye Battle scrubbed! (This fight will be a shock if you thought the rest of the game was easy.) This is not about brutal difficulty, but providing an increased challenge you can tackle with a well built party.

shining force 2 rom bin

This difficulty hack is a preference hack evolved into something bigger, if the game is not hard enough for you, you might want to find a different hack. Please bear in mind, there are several non-gamebreaking bugs that cannot be scrubbed due to Caravan no longer working and if you mention these bugs in the comments, I will not pay attention to them since I can do nothing about them. Therefore, any persisting bugs will only be tended to by IPS. Steam will not allow me to modify a hack beyond what I intially submitted. Most characters considered 'terrible' have been boosted, unpopular alternate promotes have been given extra incentives to use them. Kazin (Wizard) has been made more viable. Undead were unchanged but given more ice resistance like SF1 variants. More enemies have weakness and resistances to spells that make more sense. Birdmen and Pheonixes, as well as all flying enemies are weak to wind and electricity. Peter took a slight hit to the stats and gained a few extra -weaknesses. Luke and Screech have been buffed considerably.

shining force 2 rom bin

Monsters, like Monks, have been given some extra spells. Large increases to the HP, defense, attack and MP pools of many enemies. Decapitalization of recruitable NPC names. Have you ever wanted to play Janet but she sucked too much? Well now you can! (Bad characters are not terrible in Tweakforce.) All monsters have had a significant boost in difficulty, but at the same time grinding has been drastically reduced to speed up runs. Tweakforce II is a modification for Shining Force II that rebalances and increases challenge for late game. !3Vhl2TJZ!ZEvoP6NAsUrTbvF04pp0axULjp7da5yrYV-ogF5fCgQ


NOTE:- Are you looking for the IPS patch for Tweakforce? Look no further!

Shining force 2 rom bin